While I am waiting for the print shop to send me my design, heres a journey through my designs.
The theme was given as Predators. Went straight on google and typed in top 10 predators, thought id do a lions. As i search lions i saw a Piraña picture that devoured a lion. Pause. Pirana's were 6th on the top 10 and lions were 2nd. So obviously that made my decision .
Some inspirations i found on the web.

Went to work came up with these sketches;
Outlined it with a thin marker.
uploaded up on my photoshop. Played with lightings, vibrance, triple layer so i can get definition on the picture.
For the background i used the OCEAN background me and my group made in andrews class for paper zoo.
Almost finished and felt something is missing so i vectored my fish drawing. SKELETON MOVEMENT!
OK, enough boring explanations. This is my Final design for my skate deck.
check list;
1. your name - First and Last on board to indicate front and back
2. student number and course code on the back - haven't received the board yet
3. vector elements - Dead skeleton fish is been vectored and copied across the board
4. raster elements - the actual pirana sketches has been uploaded and rendered on photoshop
5. typography - first name on top to indicate front and last name to indicate back with a ripped affect on the lettering.
drumroll..... Final Design.