Thursday, December 9, 2010

PAPER ZOO Assignment

Here are my drawings;

This is my final product of the PaperZoo adding the background:

Fooling around with Adobe Photoshop..

Pre-Production on my skate deck pt.1

While I am waiting for the print shop to send me my design, heres a journey through my designs.

The theme was given as Predators. Went straight on google and typed in top 10 predators, thought id do a lions. As i search lions i saw a Piraña picture that devoured a lion. Pause. Pirana's were 6th on the top 10 and lions were 2nd. So obviously that made my decision .

Some inspirations i found on the web.

Went to work came up with these sketches;

Outlined it with a thin marker.

uploaded up on my photoshop. Played with lightings, vibrance, triple layer so i can get definition on the picture.

For the background i used the OCEAN background me and my group made in andrews class for paper zoo.

Almost finished and felt something is missing so i vectored my fish drawing. SKELETON MOVEMENT!

OK, enough boring explanations. This is my Final design for my skate deck.

check list;
1. your name - First and Last on board to indicate front and back
2. student number and course code on the back -  haven't received the board yet
3. vector elements - Dead skeleton fish is been vectored and copied across the board
4. raster elements - the actual pirana sketches has been uploaded and rendered on photoshop
5. typography - first name on top to indicate front and last name to indicate back with a ripped affect on the lettering.

drumroll..... Final Design. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Depth of Field

Last item focused.

                                                                 Middle item focused.

First item focused.

                                                       All three items are focused.

Monday, November 29, 2010

MADREAL "research paper"

The artist i was assigned is Derrick "MADREAL" Hodgson. A well known Canadian artist that is now residing in toronto.  I have actually heard and been to one of his exhibits in Montreal, before i was assigned to study his style. It is not my style of art but i definitely can say it influences me and my art culture. I enjoy the whole simple drawn characters but yet have the right amount of details by using different pastel colors. 

So the job was to use his style to create my own art work.  
So finally....

here's my rendition.

I started out sketching the characters, and colouring over the lines to have that cartoon look.
Then i took a digital photo of it and placed it on Adobe photoshop to change lighting and brighten up the colours. Added some circles and turn down the opacity  and played with brushes and created my final piece. 


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

hermes fingerboard skate

2 of my favourite things.... couldn't have come together any better.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


    Once upon a time there was a little girl named little red riding hood. She lived in a forest with her grandmother, mother and father.
Riding hoods life was very simple and as normal it could be. When little red riding hood turned six her parents thought it was best for all of them to move to the city. When the day for the move came, little red riding hoods grandmother didn’t want to leave, so they all decided it was best to have grandma stay and watch the house in the forest. Couple of years pass little red riding hood decided to go back to the forest and visit her grandmother.

She went to the store before her long trip and filled a basket full of good treats. When little red riding hood arrived to the forest, she remembered that it was a long walk to her grandmothers house. Little red riding hood started her journey threw the forest, as she was walking she started to get a little bit scared so she decided to hum and sing. She got so into her humming and sining that she decided to skip a long the trail.  As she went about her way, little red riding hood heard the most terrifying sound come from the forest. “Who is there” said little red riding hood, and no one answered. 

She got so scared that she started to hum and sing faster and decided to run instead of skip. Along the way little red riding hood saw all types of forest creatures.

 (forest creatures)
It started to get darker out by the minute and little red riding hood started to feel very strange, her body was acting weird and her head started to hurt. As she made her way, little red riding hoods body was acting even more weird, her ears started to get longer, her clothes started to tare off. 
“Whats happening to me” said little red riding hood. She screamed so loud that she scared away half of the creatures in the forest. She started to run, as she ran her body started to change even more. 

Little red riding hood had fully transformed in to a wolf. She didn’t know what to do. Every time she tried to talk a weird sound would come out of her mouth. All she could do was haul as loud as she could. Little red riding hood started to hear someone haul back. As she turned around there was another wolf there staring at her. 

 She ran behind the tree, and peeked out and saw that there was no wolf there anymore but a boy standing. “Don’t be afraid” said the little boy, “my name is Jacob Black and I have been waiting for you.” Little red riding hood stormed with full force towards Jacob and pushed him down because she was so strong as a wolf. “Calm down, all you have to do is think of a happy thought and you will transform back into a human” said Jacob. Little red riding hood thought of a happy thought and started to transform back into a human.  As little red riding hood looked around, she noticed Jacob was no where to be seen. 
All these emotions and thoughts started to run threw her head, she got up and started to run as fast as she could, all she could think of was her grandmother. Little red riding hood ran so fast that as she looked up, she saw her grandmothers house. 
 “Grandmother, Grandmother” yelled out little red riding hood. “Little red riding hood is that you” yelled out grandmother from the kitchen. They both ran to the center of the living room. “What’s wrong dear” said grandmother, “Oh grandmother, I cant explain it my body changed and everything was terrifying.” Grandmother looked at little red riding hood with just a smile on her face, as little red riding hood went on with her story she looked at her grandmother and wondered why she has a smile on her face. “Oh dear, little red riding hood, I know you are afraid right now but its okay, everything will be okay.” As little red riding hood stood there shocked and confused, she looked up and her grandmother was no longer her grandmother, she had transformed into a werewolf. 
The grandmother looked at little red riding hood and explained to her that for centuries her family has been werewolves. “Everything will be fine” said grandmother. Little red riding hood listened to everything her grandmother had explained to her and decided to take it all in and accept what she has become now, a werewolf.